with Coral Brookes
The Tub, Hackney
Supple Octopus

Supple Octopus presented a strange world of ceramics, paintings and drawings by Coral Brookes and Rebecca Elves, created together and apart. Through the tactile and pictorial, glimpses of painted figures are situated in spaces reminiscent of real and imagined landscapes. From fleshy formations of clay, mystical imagery to sensitive mark making, Supple Octopus reveals works which respond to psychological and physical encounters with places.

Clockwise from left: Lung, oil on canvas, Rebecca Elves, 2022; Scran, biro on paper, Coral Brookes, 2022; Untitled, jesmonite, glass and etching on paper, Coral Brookes, 2021; Head, oil on canvas, Rebecca Elves, 2022; Guzzle, jesmonite, glass and etching on paper, Coral Brookes, 2021; Gum, earthenware, Coral Brookes, 2021; Squid, glazed stoneware, Rebecca Elves, 2021; Pod, glazed stoneware, Rebecca Elves, 2022; Ebb, glazed stoneware, Rebecca Elves, 2019

Lung (detail), oil on canvas, Rebecca Elves, 2022; Scran, biro on paper, Coral Brookes, 2022

Lung, oil on canvas, Rebecca Elves, 2022

Organs, glazed stoneware, Rebecca Elves, 2021; The Moth, watercolour on paper, Coral Brookes, 2022

Pod, glazed stoneware, Rebecca Elves, 2022; Hands, oil on canvas, Rebecca Elves, 2022

Ebb, glazed stoneware, Rebecca Elves, 2019
Wraith, oil and soft pastel on canvas, Rebecca Elves, 2022

© Rebecca Elves 2023